In an effort to keep you updated as frequently as possible, since things are changing daily, we have put together a rather basic blog note here. Hang tight with us, we are doing everything we can to bring you the best options. We are just as frustrated as you.
Markets are starting to open. Click here for our port page and rates: PORTS/RATES . We are only being guaranteed rates in 30 day increments at this time.

Here at Motorcycle Express, we are working daily to explore all possible options for the best rates and routes available for riders. We are anxiously awaiting for more competitive rates to offer our riders and are reaching out to additional cargo markets.
Currently, shipping from Canada to Europe seems to be at least reasonable, from our experience and perspective. However, we await more flights to get caught up with back log of cargo and limited flights from Europe to Canada, which is impacting the prices westward.
Stay tuned. Things can change at the blink of an eye.