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Motorcycle Shipping & Temporary Insurance Products for International Travel
Nobody has done it better for over 40 years. It is always the journey and not the destination!
I hereby warrant the truth of the above statements, and declare that I have not withheld any information whatsoever which might tend to influence the acceptance of this application. I understand that any false statement by me will constitute a breach of warranty and cause the policy to be void. I agree that this application shall be the bases of the Policy between me and the Company(s). I understand that this policy expires on the expiration date indicated depending on the period of coverage selected on this form, and incepts after the application and full premium payment are received by the producer, Michael Osheroff, the Agent, Broker or Motorcycles In Motion Inc., or at a later date if specified. Additionally, I hereby agree that I am authorizing submission of my online Green Card Insurance application with my electronic signature.
I also acknowledge that should I choose to have my Green Card Insurance Card EMAILED to me Electronically in place of mailing the original document, for No Mailing Fee Cost - I understand I must have a printer to Print a copy of it and I accept that the possibility exists (although rare) that a border patrol may ask for the original and that if this original is required, I will contact Motorcycles In Motion, Inc. to expedite the shipping of this document to me on location and I will be invoiced for the cost of expedited shipping. I understand and accept that any delays due to such a situation are my own responsibility and any additional expenses while I wait for my original document to arrive are also my own responsibility.
I hereby warrant the truth of the above statements, and declare that I have not withheld any information whatsoever which might tend to influence the acceptance of this application. I understand that any false statement by me will constitute a breach of warranty and cause the policy to be void. I agree that this application shall be the bases of the Policy between me and the Company(s). I understand that this policy expires on the expiration date indicated depending on the period of coverage selected on this form, and incepts after the application and full premium payment are received by the producer, Michael Osheroff, the Agent, Broker or Motorcycles In Motion Inc., or at a later date if specified. Additionally, I hereby agree that I am authorizing submission of my online USA/CANADIAN Insurance application with my electronic signature.
I also acknowledge that I selecting a paperless process for this USA/CANADIAN insurance. I understand I must have a printer to Print my USA ID Card and that I must specially request a Canadian ID card if I will be needing that. I understand that at this time an original hard copy of the Canadian ID card is necessary for many provinces in Canada and that a digital copy is not acceptable for Canada. For this reason I take full responsibility to request the Canadian ID Card through my National General Portal as instructed. If I have technical difficulties with this I will immediately contact naip@motorcycleexpress.com and advise them. I understand that Motorcycles In Motion, Inc. is the broker for the insurance program through National General, I accept that the possibility exists that a border patrol may ask for the original and that if I have not previously obtained this original ID Card prior to entering Canada then I will contact Motorcycles In Motion, Inc. to expedite the shipping of this document to me on location and I will be invoiced for the cost of expedited shipping. I understand and accept that any delays due to such a situation are my own responsibility and any additional expenses while I wait for my original document to arrive are also my own responsibility.
Liability Coverages
Bodily Injury (BI) and Property Damage (PD)
It covers injuries caused by the policyholder to another person related to the person's motorcycle.
BI/PD coverages must be written together.
Includes Guest Passenger Liability — Bodily Injury coverage (GP)
Coverage is mandatory
NAIP offered limits of $50,000/100,000/25,000 and $100,000/300,000/50,000
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UM/UIM BI)
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UM/UIM) is used specifically when the other person is at fault for an accident, but they are either uninsured (which is illegal by the way) or underinsured. Underinsured basically means their bodily injury limits are too low to cover all of your medical expenses.
Limits cannot exceed Bodily Injury limits.
Limit selected for BI/PD, same limit for UM/UIM BI will be provided.
Coverage is mandatory
NAIP offered limits of $50,000/100,000/25,000 and $100,000/300,000/50,000
Medical Payments (MP)
An optional policy level coverage (for the motorcycle operator) that pays for reasonable expenses incurred for medical and/or funeral expenses incurred due to a motorcycle accident.
Bodily Injury (BI) coverage is required.
Limits must be the same for all motorcycles on a policy.
Limits are per person per accident.
Coverage is included with the purchase of Comprehensive and Collision coverage
NAIP offered limit of $2,000.
Physical Damage
Comprehensive and Collision Coverage (Comp/Coll) - ACV
Physical damage insurance is a type of insurance that covers physical damage to your motorcycle.
Physical Damage Only policies are not acceptable, Liability Coverage is required.
Salvage vehicles are not acceptable.
Comprehensive and Collision coverages are required on any motorcycle with a loss payee.
NAIP offered deductible is $1,000 for both Comp/Coll.
Actual Cash Value (ACV)
Pays the fair market value when there is a Total Loss. The limit of liability for Physical Damage losses to motorcycles insured with the ACV settlement method will be the LOWER of:
ACV of the stolen or damaged property at the time of loss;
Amount necessary to replace the stolen or damaged property; or
Amount necessary to repair the stolen or damaged property to its pre-loss condition.
Customized Equipment and Parts Coverage
Policies with Physical Damage provide coverage for all equipment made by the motorcycle’s manufacturer that is permanently installed on the motorcycle when purchased new (invoice required).
The first $3,000 for motorcycle and $1,000 for ATV, Golf Cart, or Snowmobile of customized equipment and parts is included at no additional premium. The application should list all additional equipment and parts regardless of total value.
Includes equipment and parts permanently attached to the motorcycle, such as custom paint, and customized illustrations.
Premium is based on the actual cash value of all customized equipment and parts. Do not include labor in value.
The following are excluded from customized equipment and parts coverage:
Radar detectors, carbon fiber bodywork or accessories, and helmets (see Helmet coverage).
Policy must have Comprehensive coverage or Comprehensive and Collision coverages.
Coverage is included with the purchase of Comprehensive and Collision coverage
NAIP program includes $3,000 of coverage for street only motorcycles and $1,000 limit for off-road motorcycles
Safety Apparel Coverage/Helmet Coverage
Up to $400 of Safety Apparel and Helmet coverage is included at no additional premium on all cycles on the policy with both Comprehensive and Collision coverages. Coverage only applies when the safety apparel and helmet is worn during a covered loss.
Coverage is included with the purchase of Comprehensive and Collision coverage.
NAIP program includes $400 of coverage
Towing and Labor Coverage
Coverage is optional, with Towing and Labor coverage, we provide towing to the nearest qualified repair facility and necessary labor at the time and place of disablement when the motorcycle or vehicle towing them is disabled within 100 feet of the roadway due to: mechanical or electrical breakdown, battery failure, insufficient supply of fuel, oil, water or other fluids, flat tire, lockout or entrapment in snow, mud, water or sand.
Limited to 1 per occurrence; 3 occurrences per policy period.
Available for any motorcycle on the policy with Comprehensive and Collision coverages.
Coverage is optional.
NAIP limit offered is $150 of coverage
Trip Interruption Coverage
Coverage is optional, we will reimburse interruption expenses when disablement occurs more than 100 miles from the insured’s primary residence. Coverage provides daily maximums of $100 lodging, $50 for meals and $50 alternate transportation while the motorcycle is being repaired.
Coverage is limited to $400 per disablement and no more than three (3) occurrences per policy period.
Available for any motorcycle on the policy with Comprehensive and Collision coverages.
Coverage is optional.
NAIP limit offered is $400 of coverage
Below are NAIP Coverage Definitions