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Motorcycle Shipping & Temporary Insurance Products for International Travel
Nobody has done it better for over 40 years. It is always the journey and not the destination!
Reserve pallet space for $600.USD of which $100.USD is a non-refundable administrative application fee. You will have up to 45 days prior to make your final plans. In the meantime we will start processing your documents/travel package and prepare a contract for you. After everything is in place, and approximately 30 days prior to your departure you will be invoiced for the balance.
When you complete the application we begin processing all of your documents and 30 days prior to departure your request automatically comes up in our queue to confirm and receive an Air Waybill number (confirmation of exact flight number) for your flight. For Air Transat or WestJet the Air Waybill number is assigned 30 days prior to departure. For Air Canada the Air Waybill is provided to us 10-14 days prior to departure. Flights and rates are subject to change. We will always communicate with you to offer the best flight available to meet your shipping goals.
If you ship with us, the $100.USD application fee will go towards your flight cost. If you do not choose to ship with us it is non-refundable.
For your return flights we will keep a lookout for the best return for you and via email & phone we will keep in touch and plan your return booking together. At that point, we will simply invoice you for the shipment. There would be no need to fill out a new application since we have all of your outbound information. This keeps the process simple.